Pas feutrés - Milk
Turning Red - Milk
Sisters Sisters - Milk magazine
Sync - A tribute to the symmetry.
Le vert à moitié plein - Doolittle
Good Afternoon Friday - The Way We Play
Contre courant - The Way We Play
Saison - The Way We Play
The girls are back in town - Lula Japan
Neighbourhood - The Way We Play
La Ritournelle - Doolittle
And all the earthly... The New Story #1
By Instant Illumination - Papier Mache #12
The Lisbon Girls - Papier mache #11
Play - Papier Mache #13
Everything in between - The New Story #2
The Beautiful Mundane - The New Story #2
She's telling a new kind of story - Papier Mache #13
Tell her that kindness matters - The New Story #1
Sommer styles - Mum magazine #18
A day is a day - The New Story #2